상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

하루 한 곡(20180403)

음악 이야기/하루 한 곡

by 폭주천사 2018. 4. 3. 13:49


2018.04.03. 화요일 "하루 한 곡"

Song : April

Musician : Deep Purple

Album : Deep Purple(1969)

Note : [4월을 맞이하는 곡. 두 번째]
"April"은 1969년 발매된 딥 퍼플의 세번째 앨범 "Deep Purple"에 수록된 곡이다.  
미국계 영국 시인 T.S. 엘리엇(T.S.Eliot)의 시 "황무지(The Wasteland)"에 나오는 "4월은 더 없이 잔인한 달(April Is The Cruellest Month)"이라는 싯구에서 영감을 받아 만들었다고 전해지는 곡. 
제목 때문에 4월이 자주 찾아 듣는 곡이지만, 가사와 곡의 전반적인 분위기는 끝나버린 겨울을 떠올리듯 쓸쓸하면서도 장엄한 느낌을 준다.


April is a cruel time

Even though the sun may shine

And world looks in the shade as it slowly comes away

Still falls the April rain

And the valley's filled with pain

And you can't tell me quite why

As i look up to the grey sky

Where it should be blue

Grey sky where I should see you

Ask why, why it should be so

I'll cry, say that I don't know

Maybe once in a while I'll forget and I'll smile

But then the feeling comes again of an April without end

Of an April lonely as they come

In the dark of my mind I can see all too fine

But there is nothing to be done when I just can't feel the sun

And the springtime's the season of the night

Grey sky where it should be blue

Grey sky where I should see you

Ask why, why it should be so

I'll cry, say that I don't know

I don't know

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